About the Author


Chequell Akers is a native of the Bahamas from the Grand Bahama Island who now resides in the US. One day her inner child surfaced, and she was led to create a collection of affirmation book cover stickers. Shortly after completion of the stickers the thought to write a book was deposited in her spirit. As she sat down to write one book an entire collection of books came to her, one right after the other. Within fifteen days she had written an entire collection of Aniah books. Ten to be exact.

As a parent she knows the importance of children learning life skills at an early age and she wants to convey this to children everywhere.

As her creative juices continued to flow her vision was brought to life through the images that you see in each of the books. And the Aniah logos which was designed and created by her.

This collection of books is dedicated to helping young children learn and laugh as they are educated on basic fundamentals in life lessons that they are often faced with. Two weeks into launching her website, a new book was deposited into her spirit, in which she was able to complete in time for the launch called, "t’s Okay To Cry Little Boy”


As a new author Chequell's hope is to encourage young children around the world to strive to be the best version of themselves that they can be no matter what difficulties they may face.

Books Written By Chequell Akers

Aniah Goes Shopping

Aniah's First Business Adventure

Aniah Hits the Jackpot

Aniah Speaks Up

Aniah Volunteers at the Senior Living Facility

It's Okay to Cry Little Boy

Other products include Aniah's Affirmation Book Cover Stickers and Posters and more which you can find at www.aniahsworldrocks.com