

Just as Chequell started the illustration of her first book, it hit her! She recalled seeing drawings that her friends Cranston and Jessica Sturrup had posted on their social media page. The drawings, in which Chequell found to be very fascinating, was the work of two of their daughters. Immediately Chequell thought why not have the two girls to illustrate her books. They are two incredibly talented young ladies.

Chequell reached out to Cranston and Jessica, her close friends of more than twenty years, in whom wedding she was a witness, to present them with the idea. They were more than happy to have their daughters illustrate her books. When Cranston and Jessica presented it to the girls, they were overly excited and agreed instantly.  Cranston, also a native of the Island of Grand Bahama, now resides in Illinois with his beautiful family.

Jasmine Sturrup, twenty years old and the oldest of five, illustrated the series that you will grow to love in the Aniah’s World Rocks collection. Jasmine, currently a Civil Engineering student, is hoping to one day go into architecture.

Abigail Sturrup, fourteen years old and the fourth born, illustrated “It’s Okay to Cry Little Boy.” Abigail has not yet decided what she will do after graduation, but she has plenty of time left to figure it out.

Chequell hopes to shine some light on these talented young ladies to prove that even at a young age your talents and gifts can and will guide the path for your future. She looks forward to having each of the Sturrup children to one day illustrate her future books. One thing Chequell knows is talent when she sees it and talent lies within the Sturrup children.